Gemma & Matthew = Dylan & Tyler {A Holmby Park Session}

I am going to do everything I can to catch up with blogging this week I swear! I figured I would start with a session I had with Gemma and her family from last weekend because she is a blogger extraordinaire. She is going to be my muse this week! Check her out here, such cute ideas and great tips:

Our session was a little bit misty, which strangely enough is pretty typical weather lately. But the damp didn’t stop us, we played with balloons, leaves, bubbles and ran around with their two little energetic boys! It was such a fun shoot and I was so impressed with how much Dad was helping wrangle the little ones, pretty cute! This is one of those sessions that was so hard to narrow down but here goes…a few of my favs! Thank you so much guys, I had an amazing time with your gorgeous family!