As newborn photographers there is so much to think about during our sessions, the lighting, the camera settings, the temperature, the poses, the props, the family images…and on and on. The one thing that we should never lose sight of is capturing the simple details, the sweet little cowlick, fingers, toes, eyelashes, etc. These sweet little newborn babies will never be this little again and these things will grow and change in the blink of an eye. Please just remember to take at least 10 minutes each session and make sure you are capturing these things. I use my 100mm macro lens to do this, I can get in very tight and this lens in incredibly sharp.
Just think about the traits people have within families…”oh, look he has my nose, or look she has a longer second toe like Uncle Rob.” These traits will pass on for generations and capturing these things is so important. Have fun with your sessions and do all the creative things, just remember sometimes the most simple things are the most appreciated and special in the end.
![Los Angeles Newborn Baby Photo Session with Foot](
![Los Angeles Newborn Baby Photo Session with Cowlick](
![Los Angeles Newborn Baby Photo Session with hand](
![Los Angeles Newborn Baby Photo Session with Eyelashes](